The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118853   Message #2573822
Posted By: bald headed step child
23-Feb-09 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama and Torture
Subject: RE: BS: Obama and Torture
Thank you RB for posting those two articles.

From those two, it appears that statements made by a lawyer in an attempt to help his client, have been misconstrued as being fact.

I know what happened to this man, and all the other victims of torture, is horrendous and unconscionable, but I have yet to see any real evidence that President Obama has renewed GWB's threat to withhold intelligence from the UK, or any other allies.

As with any criminal prosecution, an investigation must be conducted, followed by the building of a case, then a trial.

All this doesn't happen in 1 month.

These investigations will take quite some time.

It may be decades before most of it comes to light. Hell, we are still finding out more about Nazi crimes that occurred in the 30's and 40's. The people who perpetrate these things don't generally leave the evidence sitting out on a table.

Give them some time to do something before saying they aren't doing anything.