The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23287   Message #257471
Posted By: Rick Fielding
14-Jul-00 - 01:18 AM
Thread Name: Sponsorship and Sacred Cows
Subject: RE: Sponsorship and Sacred Cows
Everytime I or any of my friends take the guitar out to play a festival we're confronted with corporations, big and small. The Jazz Festival is sponsored by DuMaurier, and we know that cigarettes kill millions. The Ottawa Folk Festival is sponsored by Nortel, and they oppress millions in Latin and South America. Nylon guitar strings are made by I really want to support them?

Nine tenths of the audience at a folk festival have jobs (or they woudn't be able to afford a 60 dollar weekend pass),so the only way a poor person could be there is to volunteer (or be one of the musicians).

For me it boils down to selectivity and how much I'm willing to compromise my morality. I play for free for the Ladies Garment Workers Union, and charge as much as I can when asked to play for The Autoworkers Union. If the Humane Society (animal protection) asked me to play, I wouldn't charge. The Art Gallery? As much as they think I'm worth.

It's kind of making peace with yourself, with as few compromises as you can live with. For example, I haven't taken a bar job in twelve years now, because the drunks spoil the atmosphere for the rest, and I refuse to be a jukebox (which I was for a few years). I no longer use agents since getting computerized, and haven't had a manager in several years, 'cause I want to make my own decisions. Figure I've lost quite a bit of money that way...but I'm a lot happier. Same with Record Companies. I was with RCA, and a couple of other "corporate" companies but left pretty quickly. When Sandy Paton asked me to go with Folk-Legacy (a non-corporate company if ever there was one) I could have kissed him! I'm with Borealis Records now and it's owned by Grit Laskin and Bill Garrett who are two men I truly respect.

It's all compromise, and naturally I'd rather see a Granola Company sponsoring a festival than a bank, but I can live with my choices.

Thanks for starting this Soph. So glad Heather and I are starting to get to know you.

Now where's that anon. person who started things? You don't think he's really...oops too easy to figure out who the flamers are these days!
