The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23296   Message #257544
Posted By: wysiwyg
14-Jul-00 - 09:15 AM
Shoulders and elbows for me, and heat is the clue to tendonitis.

There is a surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome where they emlarge the tunnel so the tendon has more room. It still will swell and get inflamed when overused, but not pinch in the space where it runs, in that tunnel. A parishioner of ours had it, with excellent result.

It's hard to ice where the problem is with carpal tunnel because it is inside the tunnel.

With my tendonitis, it always seems to help to take anti-inflammatories before it gets too bad, and to switch between types every few weeks. The most effective ones are by prescription, though.

There is also a possibility of that old bugaboo, gout, which can move in anywhere there has been stress, and which is realted to uric acid, not high living and dissipation. It would actually be good if it IS gout,m because the neds for this are fanbulaous. Hardiman has this in his feet from sytanding so much at church, and it is amazing how the meds work. There are the inflammation reducing ones but also the ones that adress the uric acid directly.

Good luck. Meantime, try what I do-- when it is really bad, I play something else, or just sing. Good time to work on new songs.

Also-- be very aware that long-term inflammatory conditions can seriously deplete adrenals, making everything else go completely out of whack. For a long time and a tough recovery. Something I am fast becomeing an expert on, due to job and other stress and physical problems. If this is a factor, and it could easily be if you had a course of treatment with cortisone or prednisone, I have a lot I could share with you, and if interested please send me a PM.
