Ah yes, Sinsull, the underwear up the flag pole stunt. I recall that somebodys' mother decided to stay on as a volunteer counselor. Her job was to make sure her kid didn't have any fun. And while she was at it, she made sure none of the rest of us could have any fun either. One morning, we all formed up for the flag raising ceremony to find that her bra was stretched between the pole for the national flag and the one for the state flag. The director demanded that whoever was responsible for the stunt should take it down. My pal, Vernon, and I felt safe enough from blame, so we stepped up and lowered it while the campers gave the hand salute. Vern and I marched up to the lady with the thing still stretched out full length between us and presented it to her. She snatched it away from us and went home, mission accomplished. By the way, my son just came from a meeting with the county extension agent. He will be going to camp in a couple of weeks as a "counselor in training". I'm biting my nails, those teen counselors were the wildest of us all.Take care Timehiker