The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119021   Message #2580110
Posted By: CarolC
03-Mar-09 - 06:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Goes For Broke
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Goes For Broke
I'm definitely concerned about the possibility that Obama will continue some of the imperialist foreign policies of past presidents. But under the surface of what appears to be his foreign policy stance, I see undercurrents of possible approaches that are at odds with what we have seen from past presidents. I'm watching what he and his people do very carefully, but at this time, I don't feel that I have a very complete picture of where he's headed with his foreign policy approach. I think it's going to take several months, at least, before I will feel that I have a good understanding of the relationship he is shaping for the US and the rest of the world.

One thing I am noticing is that he and his people are extremely adept at knowing where the levers and fulcrums are and knowing how to use them. And he seems to value an approach that I understand and use myself. When raising baby raccoons as a wildlife rehabilitation worker, I would observe in which corner the raccoons liked to do their business, and I would put the paper there, instead of deciding myself where I wanted them to go and trying to make them use that place. I find that using this approach is also very effective with people (obviously not the same exact circumstances, but the same basic approach). Obama and his people seem to like this approach as well.