The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118245   Message #2580799
Posted By: Ron Davies
03-Mar-09 - 11:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
Subject: RE: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
" Hitler was a Christian, don't forget" Yes, I'm sure the poster doesn't want to forget this.

Too bad it's totally false--after about age 7.

In fact it's about the purest drivel we've seen yet on Mudcat.

And don't bother with quotes from speeches. Tell us, pray, if you believe what a public figure says in public or what he says in private.

Perhaps you also believe that he was primarily a kindly vegetarian gentleman who loved pets and children.

Everything he said in public only confirms what anybody who can think should realize--Hitler used everything and everybody he could to his own advantage.

Try a few quotes from his private conversations--when he said what he really thought--not what he thought he needed to say to, for instance, undermine the Center Party- (look it up)--which was a major concern for him in the early 30's. In contrast, try these--when he was among friends and sycophants--and had no need to dissemble.

From Hitler's Secret Conversations--

night of 11-12 July 1941:

"National Socialism and religion cannot exist together... The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew."

13 Dec 1941

"Christianity is an invention of sick could imagine nothing more senseless..."

Are there no Mudcat atheists who can think aside from Bill D and Amos? Why does non-belief in God have to also mean non-belief in research or thinking?

Sorry, Mudcat atheists: you lose again.   Hitler was an atheist. Live with it.