The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23331   Message #258087
Posted By: GUEST
15-Jul-00 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: Why all this anger?
Subject: Why all this anger?
It's not a new development here, but I wonder if it's getting worse. This latent anger in so many postings, as if a virulent minority seeks occasion for outrage at every new topic available. Certainly not all participants are venting their rage, and oftentimes Mudcatters strive to keep the tone of the threads tolerant and inclusive. But some hostility seems ready to erupt at any moment, on any thread. Valid questions about the whiteness of many mudcatters--protestant marches--Cat Stevens' imagined actions and affiliations--'apologies' posted for inflammatory purposes; each of these and many others have teetered on the edge of bigotry. Has liberal tolerance become as passe as flower power? Or are petty temper squalls the accepted norm on Internet chat forums? Including myself in all this judgement, can't we do better?