The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57067   Message #2580922
Posted By: Fortunato
04-Mar-09 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: Doc Watson is turning 80!!! Update - 86!!!!
Subject: RE: Doc Watson is turning 80!!! Update - 86!!!!
Happy Birthday, Doc. Thanks for another year's opportunity to see you perform at the Birchmere here in the DC area. I hope to see you again here or somewhere down the road.

My wife and I performed at Fiddler's Grove last year, and knowing that you had sung on thea stage, as well as Jean Ritchie, was thrilling for us. My Gallagher DW felt mighty good in my hands that day.

Thank you for the inspiration and the hundreds of hours of enjoyment of your music, live and recorded.

Chance Shiver