The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75122   Message #2581553
Posted By: Steven Noel Bolstad
05-Mar-09 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: Little known '60s Folk Singers
Subject: RE: Little known '60s Folk Singers
I just joined because I was Googling for my old friend Tom Meisenheimer.
It was difficult to find him on Google, but I did see the name Molly Meisenheimer.
I knew her as a baby - she's Tom's daughter.
She was posting a comment about her father and unknown 60's folksingers.
Still, I have not been able to find his name yet and there was no way to reach Molly to ask further.
The Mudcat Cafe looked pretty cool, so I joined.
I am not a player, but I am a listener so this all looks like fun and sourcing combined.

YET, Still I wish to connect to Tom. Can anyone help?

Steven Bolstad