The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118245   Message #2581679
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
05-Mar-09 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
Subject: RE: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
Christians are the most tolerant of people

You say that as if simply by becoming a Christian one is somehow transfigured into a better person than they were hitherto. I wonder, to what extent is this superiority supported by Christian teaching & expectation? Or is that Christianity attracts a better class of person anyway? God knows, you certainly see enough of them shouting about it on the streets, and wasn't even Bob Dylan himself once - ahem - Saved? People are people regardless of their professed belief, which makes the so-called tolerance of Christians all the more bogus not least because of the vile & bloody history of their faith and their conviction that the rest of us miserable sinners are going to hell anyway. The case which inspired this thread is but one example of this, whereby a Christian felt that what was somehow true for her must, therefore, be true for everyone else. This, of course, is the heart & soul of Christian Theology and has justified the massacre and oppression of millions in the name of its universal mission of Truth. The extremes of religious persecution notwithstanding, however, the whole thing was summed up perfectly by a film I once saw in which a community of once proud shamanic Inuits were, as a consequence of their exposure to Christian Missionaries, reduced to alcoholic idiots dancing to the fecking Birdy Song. Praise the Lord!