The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23296   Message #258174
Posted By: bbelle
15-Jul-00 - 12:49 PM
Jason ... Another part of the equation here is that, although I've played guitar for 35 years, I've never considered myself a "guitar player," but a singer. So, my playing habits are old, very old. For the past year, I've had more interest in the guitar-end of my performing and have read and listened and picked the brains of people I consider "good." Some days is like learning to play all over again!!!

My double curse is that I was born with very small hands and the family arthritis gene. I've been using anti-imflammatories for years to ease the pain of the arthritis. I don't take mega-doses, but I do take them everyday, to keep the pain and stuffness, at bay.

What I did with the tendonitis is change my anti-imflammatory from ibuprophen to naproxen sodium (alleve or generic). I will take this until the wrist is healed. The ibuprophen didn't help the tendonitis, but it does help the arthritis.

I have to take a couple of prescribed medications for other things, but I try to not take them for situations like this because they are much stronger and the chance of side effects is far greater.

BTW ... I am typing this with almost no pain and I was able to shower properly!!! I am still going to keep it immobilized as much as possible and will keep applying the salve because it really feels good. I'm going to try to practice a little tonight, but for just about 10 minutes. I am not going to overdo it, but got to keep those calluses from going soft and my fingers limber.

This response to my plea and the advice offered has been awesome and I thank all of you.

Where else, but the mudcat cafe. Does that sound sappy? Okay ... I'm allowed!
