The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23296   Message #258210
Posted By: PJ Hall
15-Jul-00 - 02:02 PM
Moonchild, Just to add my two-bits, I am a professional drummer, (bodhran) this drum is played with a very unhealthy wrist action. I developed tendonitis years ago from computer work and so I have to make sure both wrists are very protected when I play. Glucosamine is only going to help if you have arthritis. I stress, DO NOT PLAY IF YOU FEEL PAIN!! I used to have an amazing guitarist in my band who suffers from bursitis/tendonitis in her hand and wrist. She was playing non-stop, (teaching and gigs). She would show up at rehearsal in pain and I would make her stop playing. She did not believe that she couldn't "play" through the pain (what is it about musicians??) She is now retired from playing... very sad and such a waste. She had physio, and had seen a doctor, was taking anti-infammatories to deal with the pain, but she didn't behave and stop playing if she felt pain. If you heed the advice of your doctor, get some good physio, and do what you're told... you will play for years. Take it from someone who knows first hand. If you have to stop playing for awhile, DO SO!!! Get work where you don't have to use the wrists. As far as good physio, phone your local musicians union and get some names from them of people who work with musicians and know that "retirement" is not an option. If they don't know of anyone, phone the nearest philharmonic office, or professional body of musicians that you can think of. (even a university might know of someone) You are not alone this is a very common problem with people who play for a living.