The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119171   Message #2582269
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
05-Mar-09 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: How do you survive the day job?
Subject: RE: How do you survive the day job?
Jane O'ull- you are your own best physician - read your own words.... it would take the joy out of it.

Somehow you have permitted the "Joy Robbers" to enter into your life. You did not know were not aware...but somehow, one and then another and another followed...under stress they bubbled to the top ...and you are unhappy.

You recognize you are unhappy. Many of us checking into Mudcat have probably never "WORKED" a day in our lives. (Rabbi Sol, Abby Sale, myself)

The "work" or "job" is not the source of your discontent. It is within need to defeat the "Joy Robbers" by adopting a "Change in Attitude" aka a "New Attitude" aka a "A Counting of Beatitudes"

My precription for your woes -
1. Immediately - after work - DO NOT GO HOME ! ! !
2. Immediately - after work - WALK FOR 33 minutes
3. During walk - pick up three pebbles - these are for counting and must be found NEW each day.
4. Count Blessings on each finger to ten and deposit one pebble in your pocket. 5. Continue until the three pebbles are gone 6. Count three more and with each blessing throw a pebble on the ground 7. Having counted your many blessings you will have seen what God has done that day and the music will spring from your fingertips...

Repeat daily, for the rest of your life.


The choice is yours pills and ills or happiness and joy that springs from a well is NOT about the expect more from the job (aka happiness) than it expects from you.