The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119179   Message #2582679
Posted By: John P
06-Mar-09 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: Performance Ability does it matter?
Subject: RE: Performace Ability does it matter?
Why would anyone WANT to do a bad job in front of others? I believe in practicing at home, and trying the material out at home in front of friends.

I also find that a lot of musicians seem to lack the self-critical facility. I don't know what the answer is for them; they don't act like they can tell the difference between good and bad.

I get a bit tired of folky communities supporting each others' musicianship by being complimentary no matter what. How is that doing a service to the aspiring musician?

I like getting together with beginners and showing them things, making suggestions, seeing what they have in the way of raw material. I know that older musicians helped me a lot -- usually by being very honest -- when I was fresh and new and not very good.