The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23338   Message #258268
Posted By: GUEST,Andrea Hall
15-Jul-00 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: Raffi
Subject: Raffi
I am looking for assistance in a very special project. I am a nurse in Syracuse, New York. I work with a chronically/most likely terminally ill young boy who absolutely adores Raffi. Darren has an extremely rare genetic defect that is causing him to age prematurely, has stopped his growth, impaired his intellectual facilities and is causing him to rapidly lose his hearing and sight, as well as the deterioration of many other of his physical systems.

I truly believe that if Darren were not handicapped he would have musical talent as well as intellectual prowess. Music is his love. He sits with his guitar or recorder and 'plays' along with his Raffi videos. Although already profoundly deaf he does hear well enough with the volume turned up all the way to have learned many of the songs on his tapes (he has them all!) and often spontaneously sings parts of them well enough for them to be recognizable. His speech is deteriorating but one word that consistently comes through loud and clear is 'Raffi'.

I will be purchasing tickets to Raffi's Town Hall concert for Darren, his parents and myself. This, along with a place to stay overnight, is my gift to him. But there is more that I would like to do. And that is where I need help!

I am looking for some way that Darren could meet Raffi one on one either before or after the show? I have had no luck thus far contacting any of his staff. Any assistance you can give me would be very much appreciated.

Andrea Hall