The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2583058
Posted By: Sawzaw
06-Mar-09 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...

If you are an adult and I am childish, just answer the questions about what you posted and that will solve the problem.

I will answer any question you ask the best way I know how. You might not like the answer and you might ridicule it rather than bring up a supportable fact that disproves it but at least it will be an answer, not an avoidance tactic and not a threat.

What I have "on" you is you are constantly stating outrageous things that have no basis in fact and you will not provide any support for those facts.

The US did not supply the "bad gas" for Saddam to use on the Kurds and they did not reward him afterwards with all kinds of booty including a M-16 rifle. To make such serious claims that are unsupported and unfounded is irresponsible. Just because you claim it is the truth does not make it the truth.

To make callous remarks and refuse to support them is not adult behavior and not responsible behavior.

Then you accuse me of being some kind of bully while you bully Tbus endlessly and call him a "belligerant blowhard who is too friggin; proud and partisan to admit that you are wrong" but if someone accuses you of being a blowhard because you wont answer questions, that is not allowed and someones teeth are threatened.

So tell Joe to kick me off or end the tread if you want but I don't believe I am being threatening, insulting or abusive but just some one you can't blow off because you don't want to or can't support your claims.

So now I am asking politely again for the source for your assertions about the gas, the rifle, the booty reward. Please.
