The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119159   Message #2583491
Posted By: Amos
07-Mar-09 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
Subject: RE: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
"The national debt was about $5.7 trillion when Bush took office in January 2001. Today, after almost eight years and a couple of wars, the debt has risen to about $9.7 trillion.

And, by the way, that figure might rise another $1 trillion or so before Bush steps down on Jan. 20.

The national debt ceiling today is $10.6 trillion. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson wants Congress to raise that to $11.3 trillion to clear the decks for massive borrowing to deal with the nation's financial crisis.

A national debt of $11.3 trillion would come to more than $37,000 each for every man, woman and child in the United States." (written in September 08.)

This means Bush nearly doubled the national debt while in office.

Just in case someone thinks he was doing his job.