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Thread #117126   Message #2583733
Posted By: Teribus
08-Mar-09 - 05:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
From your links Amos and from intelligence reports received the following statement is true:

There was evidence of links and contacts between Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi Ba'athist Regime of Saddam Hussein.

The following statement is also true:

There were absolutely no links to, or involvement by the Iraqi Ba'athist Regime of Saddam Hussein in the Al-Qaeda attacks of the 11th September, 2001.

I can differentiate between the two - you and obviously thousands of your fellow countrymen cannot.

In exactly the same way, you and thousands of your fellow countrymen believe that the US went into Iraq to discover and unearth massive stockpiles of WMD. Which, of course if you actually read the remit of UNMOVIC, is nonsense. The Administration of George W. Bush did not make up the detailed list of what WMD Iraq might have and what WMD programmes might still be running. All that information came from UNSCOM, the very last group in Iraq monitoring the dismantling of those very same programmes. What UNMOVIC was sent into Iraq to do was to clearly and unequivocally establish exactly what the status was with regard to the discrepancies detailed previously by UNSCOM. Did they expect to find them? - Did they believe they were going to find them? - Of course they did.

How does this failure to grasp what is going on come about? Because you and all those thousands of "believers" did not take the trouble to read what was reported and match it up to what was actually said.

Best example of that that we saw in the UK was the "45 minute" claim. Poorly presented and stated in Parliament and woefully reported by the Press in the UK - Myself and any ex-forces member knew exactly what it meant, having had it hammered into us in "threat" lectures throughout the "Cold War". 45 minutes is the time it takes the armed forces of the Soviet Union and their Warsaw Pact Allies to arm their Chemical/Biological weapons.

Ask those whose statements have been highlighted in your links if they truly believed what they were saying at the time, you will a "Yes" right across the board. But while you are doing that also ask the Governments of the fifteen nations who made up the Security Council of the United Nations at the time whether they and their intelligence services also independently believed it, you will also get a "Yes" right across the board - even from Ba'athist Syria, Saddam's neighbour.

Another thing that you never mention - Saddam Hussein's own admission that he did everything in his power to foster the belief that Iraq still possessed WMD and was fully prepared to use them. Indication of this - the attempt in 2002 to buy 1 million ampules of atropine from Germany.