The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23296   Message #258397
Posted By: GUEST,Joerg
15-Jul-00 - 10:08 PM
Congratulations for your doctor, MC.

Not long ago I had some difficulties with my throat. I had been sick before, also seriously, but let me tell you that this was the first time in my life I really SUFFERED. Saw my doctor. To save his honour (see below) I should say that he first (insert the proper word in english) some medicine before sending me to a "specialist". This one turned out to be a very small, very young girl assisted by somebody I suspect to having been her mother. She used both hands and a BIG club for driving my tongue down, exactly onto the spot that hurt me most, and while I was wiping the tears from my eyes she told me, that my throat should be amputated at once. I refused - fortunately that's one of the human rights granted in Germany. Then I talked her into giving me something to simply ease the pain. When I returned to my own doctor afterwards he really dared to say: "Oh, I thought that she would put you to the hospital at once." That @&$ยง#% coward. I'm well again.

So, MC, I think I can understand the reasons you might have had for first asking here instead of asking some doctor. Shame to those of them who consider you something like a sheet of paper they can quickly get off their desks.

My own experience is (also?): If something hurts you - first try to leave it in peace in order to let it get well by itself (provided you are not going to die of the pain in the meantime). And if you see your doctor - try to find some way (or some doctor) to ask him without having to submit to him.

So if something like that happens to you again I would be pleased to first help you showering properly and then immobilising ....................... back from my own shower (Spaw, do you know some way to share your nitro tablets on the net?)

