The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69058   Message #2584158
Posted By: Skivee
08-Mar-09 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Inuit cooking
Subject: RE: BS: Inuit cooking
One of artifacts in my shrine to the Franklin expedition is a book from 1910 called "Adventures In The Artic Regions". It's a decidedly nonscholarly collection of tales from 18th and 19th century explorers.
My favorite chapter descibes a hilarious clash of cultures as a group of British sailors and officers, while searching for Franklin, are feted by a clan called the Tuski.
[please pardon the following run-on sentence. I'm trying to reduce 3 dense pages into a paragraph]
The Tuski chief pulled out all the stops for his honored guests: frozen raw fish ( discribed as horrid), a huge lump of blubber (foul)covered in a green moss (which turned out to be undigested caribou ruminant, boiled seal (tough to the point of being nearly uncutable), whale skin(inner layer having a custardy texture and a taste a bit like coconut), Caribou meat. The sailors noted that successive courses were more palatable than the previous.
The rude reception the sailors gave the first courses nearly started a fight. By the end, one of them muttered "If only they had brought these things out first!
Ultimately most food is disgusting except for the disgusting food you were raised on.