The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119159   Message #2584229
Posted By: Don Firth
08-Mar-09 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
Subject: RE: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
Thanks for posting that Azizi! In these days of revisionist history and Limbauffish ravings, it's amazing that that comes from a genuine conservative. But what Frank Schaeffer says is right on target.

I don't share Schaeffer's enthusiasm for Ronald Reagan (I consider Reagan to be one of those who set the stage for the current mess with his efforts at wholesale deregulation), but I have visions of Barry Goldwater and William F. Buckley doing about 7200 rpm in their graves at what the conservative movement and the Republican Party has turned into.

Don Firth