The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7439 Message #2584257
Posted By: Cap't Bob
08-Mar-09 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Subject: RE: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Surprised not to find my name on the list above. Must have been a busy fall. Anyway we are located near a the tiny town of Mio in N.E. lower Michigan. Our place is back in the woods on 20 acres of rolling hills about a half mile from the AuSable River.
Tonight it feels like we are living on a glacier. The house is surrounded by piles of snow up to around five feet deep. Tons of snow this year and we have to rake and shovel snow off the roof quite often. The woods cuts down on the wind and the snow comes straight down and builds up on the roof. There is a winter storm warning up for tonight with another six inches of snow by midnight.
I've been retired since 1989. To help pass the time I've taken up building ukulele's during the winter months. I have a contemplation chair near the wood stove in the shop so I spend about as much time playing music as I do building the ukes. Finally figuring out how to get great sounds out of the little gems. I don't want it to become a real job so I just give them away as presents to my friends.
Sold my boat last year so I'm going to miss those wonderful sailboat trips to Lake Hurons North Channel. Lately I've been spend quite a lot of time involved in area festivals. We are directly involved in putting on the NorEastr festival. I use my old band bus to take to festivals. It's a short stubby 1952 Ford school bus. This summer I do plan on taking it on another world tour ~ usually modified to northern Michigan roads.