The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119179   Message #2584652
Posted By: TheSnail
09-Mar-09 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: Performance Ability does it matter?
Subject: RE: Performance Ability does it matter?
Oh dear, Jim, I wish you wouldn't write such long posts. It makes it very difficult to respond.

Whatever your and Pat's motives, we would be a lot poorer without your efforts.

Your determination to find the slightest scrap of evidence to prove the parlous state of UK folk clubs IS ludicrous. For instance, "when I read of 'folk' clubs presenting performers singing Misty, Girl From Ipanima and The Great Pretender (yes, and The Beatles). I have listened to Bruce MacNeill's tracks on Youtube and three points emerge - 1) He is a guitarist of considerable ability who clearly cares very much about the standard of his playing, 2) Nowhere does he describe Misty or Girl From Ipanima as folk music, 3) He lives in Massachusetts. Do you really believe that The Great Pretender is typical fair in UK folk clubs? Not in my experience. I expect there are places where people sing Beatles songs. Why shouldn't they? They're good songs. Why does the existence of one sort of music interfere with another?

Your response to this "evidence" of what's going on in UK folk clubs is "Why ******* bother; who gives a shite about Walter's wonderful Van Dieman's Land". Lots of people Jim but you refuse to accept the evidence that they do.

and most of all, who cares what he had to say about his songs and singing.
My instinct, based on my own experiences and on discussions like these is, leave it on the shelf and let posterity decide.

I don't think you have the right to withhold that material. It isn't yours, you merely hold it in trust. I think you have a duty to pass it on so that others can share the pleasure you had from it. Did you tell Walter that you were going to lock it away safe from prying eyes? As I understand, he went to considerable effort to save the songs of his predecessors. You give the impression that you would rather it was lost than that it should fall into evil hands.

From what I have heard of your club, I heartily applaud what you are doing and wish that other clubs could learn from it,

Thank you but I'm sure we can't be unique. I know from personal experience that there are others and hear reports of many more.

but it seems to me that some of the things you have said in the past run totally contrary to your actual achievements.

We do what we do and we achieve what we achieve. Any contradictions are down to your interpretation. We do, as a matter of principal not through laziness, give a floorspot to anyone who wants a floorspot. I have never said "that standards are not just unnecessary, but undesirable in case they 'scare off the less talented', or that a folk club is a place for people with 'no expectations or criteria'". In my experience, people who want to perform, want to perform well. You gave a quote from Ewan MacColl on another thread which, in essence, said that the drive for quality has to come from within; it cannot be imposed from outside. All that anybody else can do is to do their best and try to lead by example.

What we have is a wonderful body of songs which, I believe are as entertaining and inspiring, and moving as they ever where

Indeed we do but a song is not a song if it is not being sung. If someone performs a song to less than perfect standard, someone else may hear it and think "That's a good song...and I could do it better." That can't happen if it's gathering dust on a shelf.