The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7774 Message #2584823
Posted By: Azizi
09-Mar-09 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: lyr req: jump n' jivin'
Subject: RE: jump n' jivin'
No problemo, Jayto. I love stuff like this, too.
You mentioned that you hear "rug cutter" and "cutting a rug" all the time here (with those terms meaning "dancer" and "dancing"). If you don't mind me asking, where is "here" and are the people using those phrases Black or non-Black? (given the demographics of this country, I mostly mean "White" wheh I say non-Black) or do Black people and White people use these phrases in "everyday" conversation where you live?
I know what they mean, but I've never heard any Black people describe themselves as a "rug cutter" or say that they are "cutting the rug" when they mean they are dancing. If a Black person I knows says he or she is "cutting a rug" they mean they are making a rug smaller to fit a floor.