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Thread #117126   Message #2584824
Posted By: Teribus
09-Mar-09 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
When someone resorts to gutter insults it's a good sign that their fund of argument is pretty well bankrupt."

So is that by way of an explanation as to why you started it??

"As you well know, Teribus, the process of impeachment is not simply a matter of concerned citizens signing a chitty to request it."

Well I think it has something to do with someone proposing the motion to impeach and being backed by a certain percentage of the Senate and House of Representatives – Was Dennis Kucinich a concerned citizen? No he wasn't he was an elected Congressman who wanted Bush et al impeached and bottled out of it because he knew it would get nowhere.

"As for your second point there are lies of evasion, ommission, ellision (WTF??) and inference as well as the bald and straightforward telling of untruths."

And it is up to those making the accusations to come up with the proof – True?? So far nobody has been able to do so based upon what information was known at the time.

"At no point did the Bush administration ever stand up and counter the mood music orchestrated by the spinners in the West Wing"

Ah the spinners were all in the West Wing were they?? From what was being reported in the Press and on Television I got the distinct impression that it was MSM that was doing all the spinning.

"a spin which is reflected in innumerable opinion polls which showed that most Americans believed Saddam Hussein to have had a hand in the events of November 11 2001."

Even after senior members of the Bush Administration had clearly and unequivocally stated that there was no connection – How many times do you have to be told something Gervase?? Besides Gervase the events of 911 had absolutely nothing to do with why the US invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein from power.

"And why not?
Because it suited the administration very well to have the population believe that about the Iraq misadventure, even when the administration itself knew at the time that such a link was highly improbable."

"Highly improbable" Gervase, they had clearly stated that such a link with regard to 911 was not only highly improbable they had stated that it was non-existent.

"The invasion had been high on the political agenda long before 9/11,"

Had it Gervase?? Any substantiation for that?? Or are you now relying of "Bobert Fact".

If Saddam Hussein had had a whit of sense, and if the United Nations had actually done its job, there would have been no invasion.

"I do wonder if you are able to accept that a conservative Western government is capable of doing wrong, Teribus."

Oh most definitely Gervase, they screw up day in day out with monotonous regularity. All you have to do to see that is to follow the progress of our own current caricature "Gordon of Cartoon" to see that.

"You really are the sort of useful idiot who banged on about the 'liberal conspiracy' and the 'real truth' about the Gulf of Tonkin incident long after it had been shown to be a sham."

Really?? I don't recall ever stating any opinion on any "liberal conspiracy" or about any "real truth" about the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Perhaps you could provide examples??