The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7774   Message #2585252
Posted By: Azizi
09-Mar-09 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: lyr req: jump n' jivin'
Subject: RE: jump n' jivin'
Here's MORE vintage swing jitterbug lindy hop style Day @ Races

"MORE vintage swing jitterbug lindy hop style African american tap hoofin"


This clip from the 1937 Marx Brothers film "Day At The Races" also features "Whitey's Lindy Hoppers".

Btw, given the dates of this film, and the other clips of scenes of Black folks in American movies, it's not surprising that there are elements of subtle racism and negative stereotyping in these films (for instance the little Black girl whose hair is styled like a pickaninny in the "Groovie Jive Dance video" and the obligatory shot of the Black man rolling his eyes at about 1:12 in the "Day At The Races" clip). And what song does that Black woman in that "Day At The Races" scene so ably sing? "All God's children got rhythm".
[Oh, is that so??]

After she sings this song, the Black woman dances with a heavyset Black man, and they both do a very good job of it as do the other dancers who are shown. But my bet is that that scene showcased an overweight Black man dancing for comic relief. It seems that short clips of Black people dancing and/or singing like we don't have a care in the world and Black people as comic relief were standard features of quite a few vintage Hollywood movies.

And-unfortunately-the beat goes on.