The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23296   Message #258554
Posted By: Jason LaPrade
16-Jul-00 - 04:54 AM
Moonchild, don't worry about your small hands and not being able to play barre chords. Like a few people have mentioned, they can be very tough on even big hands.

Callie, Rick Fielding often uses his thumb to play bar chords. For example, he'll rap his thumb around the top of the neck to get the F base note while fingering an F chord. In this way, the only bar is with the first finger over the two high strings. If you can get your thumb around the top it may be very useful. Be careful though, Rick has done this for years.

Another example: if you need a Bm, you can finger the chord but leave out the high string. This way your first finger only gets the B bass note as opposed to both the B and F# on the high E string. Takes away from the fullness but makes things easier. Another way is to only play the high string with your first finger and leave out the bass note. (note: the F chord can be played without the bass note as well. Or something else to try -- F major 7 -- play the F chord along with the high open E string if it suits a particular song).

Of course you can avoid the F all together. A capo is a wonderful thing, eh. It can make bad musicians good (or at least tolerable) and good musicians even better. :>)
