The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119225   Message #2585663
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
10-Mar-09 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Archers (UK soap) political correctness
Subject: RE: BS: Archers (UK soap) political correctness
'A quick search of the usual suspects (Daily Mail, Daily Express, even the BBC) finds no mention of this at all. In fact, the only mention of this anywhere at all on the internet is ... Mudcat. I'd love to know where you get your information.'

Bainbo, thanks for being the voice of sweet reason.
I've had a further thought. What a dull, unimaginitive nickname is 'Fat Paul.' People don't really give others nicknames like that. Once again we see tne mediocrity of the tube.

I once worked with a team of drillers, and the head driller was a short, stumpy guy named Big Don. His helper was a thin kid who towered over him but was named Little Don because he was young and was not the boss. That's how nicknames work.

In America, the nickname 'Blocker' would be an apt football reference.