The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119268   Message #2585729
Posted By: wysiwyg
10-Mar-09 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: ARIS: the numbers on religion in the US
Subject: RE: BS: ARIS: the numbers on religion in the US
I said to Liz, the wife, I didn't know you were Jewish, I thought you were an atheist, and she said Oh, aren't those the same thing?

There is a substantial number of folks whose ethnic heritage or cultural alignment are Jewish who do not ascribe to the religion. But who identify strongly with either or both of the positives or negatives associated with Jewish tradition.

And then there are also Jews who identify strongly as Jews who are also Christians. As well as committed Christians who also identify closely as Jews.

There's just aren't any hard and fast divisions, when it comes to individuals. Surveys and polls always impose them by statistical necessity, but I think it's usually better news that the "lines" are blurrier than the stats can show. Just as in some ways we're getting a browner nation (US-speak), we're getting a blurrier nation when it comes to spirituality. (It's my opinion that Obama's election reflects that as much or more than his "causing" it.)
