The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7774   Message #2585750
Posted By: Jim Dixon
10-Mar-09 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: lyr req: jump n' jivin'
Subject: Lyr Add: ALL THE JIVE IS GONE
Are we collecting songs that have "jive" in the title? Here's one more, from

Click to play
As sung by Andy Kirk and His Twelve Clouds of Joy, 1936. Decca 744B.

The ladies crave, the countries rave, this jive, jive, jive.
This modern treat makes life complete. Jive, jive, jive!

All the jive is gone. All the jive is gone.
I'm sorry, Gate(?), but you got in here late. All the jive is gone.

All the jive is gone. All the jive is gone.
So come on in and drink some gin. All the jive is gone.

All the jive is gone. All the jive is gone.
Things won't be quite so bright tonight 'cause all the jive is gone.

All the jive is gone. All the jive is gone.
What an awful fix! Can't get my kicks 'cause all the jive is gone.

Jive's gone. (Jive's gone.) Jive's gone. (Jive's gone.)
Round you go to Mexico. All the jive is gone.