The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2585960
Posted By: Gervase
10-Mar-09 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
...or the New York Times, slavishly reporting Saddam's nuclear capabilities, his stocks of nerve gas and everything else that was drip fed from the administration.
Or Murdoch's Fox news, so far up Bush's rectum that the boom mike was tickling his tonsils.
Really Tebbit, you should try to have a wider range of reading materials.
As I've said - probably 90 per cent of your posts are absolute and arrant bollocks. The odd 10 per cent hits the spot, but that doesn't mitigate the lickspittle drivel in the rest.
Any more feigned outrage at the Gulf of Tonkin 'slur'; by the way, or did the penny finally drop?
I've noticed that you go very quiet when someone actually calls your bluff. All that bluster and assiduous cut and paste seems to hide a rather lacklustre intellect backed by an over-inflated ego, typical of some third-rate NCO or passed over major.
Never mind - I'm sure you get a great thrill from jingling your long-service tin on Armistice Day and telling the young'uns how you won the Cold War.