The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119268   Message #2587285
Posted By: Wesley S
12-Mar-09 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: ARIS: the numbers on religion in the US
Subject: RE: BS: ARIS: the numbers on religion in the US
"And all that I have encountered "

Thanks - that the qualifier I was looking for. Exactly how much investigation into these icons have you done? Listen - I'm not fond of the cross image either. But as a promotional image it's an easier one to portray - two lines that bisect each other - than the image of a rock being rolled away from a cave. And the rock/cave image is more of an accurate depiction of the theology that many of us like to follow.

In the early days of the Christian church - when you could easily be punished for belonging - they needed a quick and easy way of letting people know they were members. The cross filled that purpose. But granted - there are many modern "sects" that focus way too much of their time and energy {in my opinion} on the S/M factor of the story.

What I'm saying is that not all crosses are alike. Some are very simple and don't focus on the pain and suffering. Some are used to represent transition. That people have the ability to change their lives in dramatic ways. Nothing would be more difficult to overcome than death. And if Christ did overcome death {and wheather he actually did or not is neither here nor there as far as I'm concerned} then we should be able to overcome whatever obstacles are in our path.