The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2588090
Posted By: Teribus
13-Mar-09 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
"Saddam left in place was a guarantee of continued unimaginable suffering, pain, loss, disability, and destruction, mangled bodies, broken minds, lost lives and ruined potential – for Iraqis; Iranians; Israelis & Americans." - Teribus

"Saddam left in place was not our call to remove "no matter the reason: We do not remove anyone from their office by means of force unless they have attacked US." – Barry Finn.

Ah so according to you, a country has to actually attack the United States of America before the US can act to protect its sovereignty, its population and its interests. Just as well you are not, and hopefully will never be, President of the United States of America Barry.

By the bye Barry, regime change in Iraq was written into the official foreign policy of the US Government by Congress in the summer of 1998.   

"Saddam did not to (do?) any of what's quoted above to Americans!!!!!" – Barry Finn

I said left in place Barry, what presupposes you to believe that Saddam would not seek to attack the US indirectly via an international terrorist group using WMD supplied by Iraq, or using WMD technology supplied by Iraq.

"As it is the world is now far worst off for our going into Iraq than if we had stayed out."

And the grounds for making this statement are what? Please answer the following questions:

•        "Had the USA not acted as it did on March 20th 2003 in dealing with Iraq, when and how would you have liked to have found out about Libya's totally secret nuclear weapons?"

•        "Do you think that chances of secret development of nuclear weapons on the basis of sale to the "highest bidder" have been enhanced or reduced by the exposure of the activities of Dr.A.Q.Khan? Has what has happened, i.e. exposure and shutting down of this network been of any significant benefit to mankind?"

•        "When and how would you have liked to have found out about Iran's totally secret nuclear weapons?"

•        "Who do you think would have won the second Iran/Iraq War, and in what way would that outcome be beneficial for the region and the world"

•        "The first Iran/Iraq War resulted in 1.5 million dead, how stupid, brutal, thoughtlessly callous, inhumane and short-sighted a betrayal of mankind do you think it would have been to allow such a conflict to occur?"

•        "With regard to peace in the middle-east do you believe chances of finding a lasting solution are increased or reduced by the removal of a state sponsor of terrorism?"

•        "With regard to peace in the middle-east do you believe that Lebanon stands a better chance of achieving peace and stability as an independent sovereign state without the presence of Syrian Forces of occupation, or was the Lebanon better off as a Syrian colony?"

"Our economy went under with the high costs of the war & so followed the economy of the world,"

No, your economy went under because your banks and lending institutions lent money to people who could not pay it back, plain and simple. Those people should never have been lent the money in the first place.

"terrorism has flourished"

Has it Barry?? Where??

But talking about "foolish idiots" – What "Commander-in-Chief" of the Armed Forces of a country engaged in combat operations declares to the World's Press that his country is losing? I mean just how bloody stupid can you get? You may think that and voice that opinion in private, but has this clown and his Vice-President not heard about "Giving Aid & Comfort to the Enemy". The news must have been received exceptionally well in the mountains of the Hindu Kush. I can just imagine all those Taleban leaders saying to one another, "Ah the Americans are losing, let's negotiate before it's too late."

"Obama now has to deal with a failing heath system that at present will never catch up because of all the medical problems that will last the life time of the home-coming vets who'll need extreme care for the next half century."

Psssst Barry, I'll let you into a little secret, you can pass it on to Barack Obama. The US can have the greatest universal free health care system in the world tomorrow if it wants it. All you need to do is start paying $4-$5 per gallon for your petrol and diesel. Problem solved.