The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2588530
Posted By: Barry Finn
14-Mar-09 - 12:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
"Saddam left in place was a guarantee of continued unimaginable suffering, pain, loss, disability, and destruction, mangled bodies, broken minds, lost lives and ruined potential – for Iraqis; Iranians; Israelis & Americans.

"for Iraqis; Iranians; Israelis & Americans."???? Maybe Iraqis!

What second Iran/Iraq War? When did that happen?

"Do you think that chances of secret development of nuclear weapons on the basis of sale to the "highest bidder" have been enhanced or reduced by the exposure of the activities of Dr.A.Q.Khan? Has what has happened, i.e. exposure and shutting down of this network been of any significant benefit to mankind?"


•"When and how would you have liked to have found out about Iran's totally secret nuclear weapons?"

So now we have these new reasons that brought us into the war T? Or to justify it?

Peace in the Middle East won't happen while 1st, Israel remains the only nation in the area that has nukes (why is it ok for them?) & 2nd while they continue to blockade the peace process. There'll be no rest in the mid east untill this conflict is settled 1st!

•No, your economy went under because your banks and lending institutions lent money to people who could not pay it back, plain and simple. Those people should never have been lent the money in the first place.

True T, but had we not blown (How Many) billions on the war we would've been in a far better position to weather out the storm. The care for the Vets alone for the next half century is enough to cripple our existing health care system as well as cause the flood banks to overflow.

"terrorism has flourished"
Has it Barry?? Where??

You've got to be kidding???? Do you live in a cave?

"Psssst Barry, I'll let you into a little secret, you can pass it on to Barack Obama. The US can have the greatest universal free health care system in the world tomorrow if it wants it. All you need to do is start paying $4-$5 per gallon for your petrol and diesel. Problem solved."

T, I'm thinking that you should tell Obama yourself, you've had it all worked out right from jump street. You should run for his office, I'm sure that there are so many who believe as you do that you'll get a vote or 2. NOT
