The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2588649
Posted By: Teribus
14-Mar-09 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Apologies Barry I forgot to answer your post.

"So now we have these new reasons that brought us into the war T? Or to justify it?"

No Barry, those are not new reasons that brought us into the war, they are not mentioned to justify the decision to invade Iraq in any way, shape or form. The following occurred as a direct result of the United States of America adopting the posture it did with regard to Iraq from 2002 onwards:

1.        Libya completely abandons its WMD programmes including a hitherto unknown nuclear weapons programme.

2.        Exposure of the Libyan nuclear weapons programme reveals a hitherto unknown, secret and highly illegal network run by a Pakistani, Dr.A.Q.Khan, whose purpose is the sale and proliferation of nuclear weapons technology and components. The links and activities of this organization extend from Pakistan to Malaya, Libya, Syria, Iran, Iraq and North Korea.

3.        Due to the exposure of Khan's network North Korean activities in the sale and supply of components and technology are brought to an end. The North Koreans are forced to attend six-party talks to discuss their own nuclear programme which they agree to dismantle.

4.        Due to the exposure of Khan's network and disclosure by a dissident group in Iran exposing the hitherto secret uranium enrichment facilities at Natanz and the secret heavy water facility at Arak, Iran suspends but does not abandon its nuclear weapons programme (according to NIE Report). Iran's nuclear programme put under the spotlight by IAEA and the international community as a whole.

5.        Syria is forced to comply with UN Resolutions calling for an end to its 27 year long occupation of Lebanon, thereby enhancing Lebanon's chances of peace stability and self-determination. Due to exposure of Khan's network links between Iran, Syria and North Korea are identified and investigated. It is as yet undisclosed as to whether those links are related to rocket technology, or whether they are related to nuclear weapons. A secret Syrian facility located close to the Turkish border is raided by Israeli commandos and destroyed by aerial attack. Syrian protests are "muted" and the site of the building is surgically cleared and sanitized by the Syrians before IAEA inspectors are allowed access. Several North Korean technicians die in the attack.

6.        Due to the invasion of Iraq and the removal of Saddam Hussein from power the number of known state sponsors of international terrorist organizations was reduced by one. Incidence of suicide bombings inside Israel plummeted.

All of the above, as previously stated, came about as a direct or indirect result of the US invasion of Iraq. All post date 9/11 and subsequent action taken in Afghanistan to drive the Taleban from power.

Barry asks:

"What second Iran/Iraq War? When did that happen?"

Saddam Hussein if left in place with UN sanctions lifted, or merely ignored, would never have tolerated any Iranian nuclear programme irrespective of its purpose.

Saddam Hussein if left in place would have done everything in his power to destroy that Iranian nuclear programme and France, Russia and China would have done everything in their power to assist him. Nothing like getting paid by both sides in a conflict to maximize the profit margin.

Ah Barry so the Israeli "nukes" are the root cause of the trouble in the middle-east are they? All will be well when all the countries and combatant organizations have "nukes" will it? Barry, not even the Russians, at the height of the "Cold War", were f**king stupid enough to even remotely promise any Arab country access to nuclear weapons, let alone let them develop them independently. There will be peace in the middle-east when attacks on Israel and Israeli citizens stop – and that could happen tomorrow if the protagonists decided upon it and agreed it.

"your economy went under because your banks and lending institutions lent money to people who could not pay it back, plain and simple. Those people should never have been lent the money in the first place." - teribus

"True T, but had we not blown (How Many) billions on the war we would've been in a far better position to weather out the storm." – Barry

No buts Barry, people were given loans by banks and lending institutions who should never have been given loans in the first place. The reason that those people were given loans was because the banks and lending institutions had been, fraudulently in my opinion, given reason to believe by mortgage brokers that the loans would be guaranteed by the Federal Bank. Of course they weren't, so when people started to default on their repayments the banks went to the mortgage brokers and the Federal bank said "Nothing to do with us" and that is when the shit hit the fan. It had nothing whatsoever to do with the Government, the war, or any other Government spending programme.

Tell me Barry where terrorism has flourished?? Asking me about my domestic arrangements does not answer my question – As it happens I do not live in a cave, but I can give you the names of a few who do, and they have to change them every night.

Health care Barry?? Simple as I've said all YOU and your fellow citizens have got to do is vote for it and pay the f**kin' cost of it. There is no such thing as "Government" money, its your money, its tax money, if you want something then pay for it and stop whinging about it.