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Thread #119343   Message #2589009
Posted By: Teribus
14-Mar-09 - 08:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caters to neo-cons - more war
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caters to neo-cons - more war
Obama caters to neo-cons - more war"

Now there's something about this that made me laugh

"You see, the thing that prevents me from starting threads with lead lines like this is that I listen to what Obama actually says rather than swallowing what some ax-grinding commentator is trying to feed me." - Don Firth

Obama shouldn't object to such as this GWB had to live with this for eight years Don.

"There are only about 200 of them left at Gitmo, Rigs - the rest have been released or are in the custody of their own nations." – Artbrooks

Hey Art, and of those released there are about 85+ have gone right back to doing what they did before, killing Americans – fuckin' whoopee, what a result. Personally I'd have preferred to see them still locked up, fuck their human rights they don't give a damn for anybody else's, so you tell me, why I should give a damn for theirs

"Whatever the case, if you'd held me there, and I could get free, I'd be your enemy. You could bank on that." - Riginslinger

In which case Rigs you would readily agree that I should hold you indefinitely without charge or trial – TRUE??