The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118593   Message #2589133
Posted By: Backwoodsman
15-Mar-09 - 04:14 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Gallows Humour-laughing at death/disease
Subject: RE: Folklore: Gallows Humour-laughing at death/disease
Joe and his cronies - why don't you - no, make that won't you - get it? It's not about Jade Goody. It's not about humour in and around the subject of death, which I certainly don't object to - I regard it as natural, even desirable that we should face the subject of death with frankness and an ability to see a funny side.

What I, and others, are objecting to is the underlying nastiness and unacceptability of asking for jokes about an individual who is going through the process of dying right now, as we bat this crock of shit around. Instead of Jade Goody, why don't Joe and SS tell us of someone in their family or close circle of friends (assuming they've got any friends) who is dying a painful, lingering death? Give us all the gory details, then we can all take the piss out of them and their suffering, and express our delight at the dreadfulness of their plight

You and SS can wriggle and distort in a vain attempt to justify yourselves until you're blue in the face, but this thread started out as a request for jokes about someone who is dying but still alive, and it prompted vile and disgusting comments about her as a person from people who, AFAIK, have never met her and know only of the persona that the media promote.

You presume that the stance taken by me and others is because we're scared of dying and too chicken to face it or talk about it. Not true, certainly in my own case - I don't want to die (who does?) but I'm not afraid of dying, it's a natural process that we all must face. And I don't give a fuck about Jade Goody The Movie, or Saint Jade, or whatever other stupid names people make themselves feel better by calling her - what she is, what she's done, all are insignificant. What I care about is having the good spirit and compassion to show respect for a human being who is dying - in this case someone who happens to be called Jade Goody and who I'll never know. What the fuck's wrong with that?

Oh, and there's no need to apologise for your appalling behaviour Joe. You won't anyway, it takes grace and courage.