The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118665   Message #2589363
Posted By: Bobert
15-Mar-09 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening, 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening, 2009
On a more serious side, we have had two days of beautiful saoking rain... Thank God!!!

The P-Vine get 34 camellias in at the plant center on Friday and 10 sold as of yesterday afternoon... That's great because most people around here really are clueless about them because most folks don't realize that there are new cultivars which are zone 6 hardy...

We also bought 63 Lenten Rose hellibores on out trip to N.C. and about 15 of them have sold...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Boberdz has gotten himself into a real pickle... Seems that the P-Vine has been awarded the contract to furnish 230 plants for landscaping of the soon-to-be renovated train depot and she threw poor ol' me into the proposal as the installer!?!?!... 230 plants X one hole per plant = 230 holes to dig!!!! My back hurts just thinking about that...

Plus she has me going off this afternoon to look at another potential customer's house to work up and draw out a design...

Meanwhile poor ol' Boberdz has his regular job of renovating an old hotel, plus occasional performances, a concert series to run and getting in out large veggie garden and cleaning up all the gardens from winter...

I need help...

Any volunteers out there.... Comfy guest accomodations and very yummy country cooked meals available...
