The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2589614
Posted By: Gervase
15-Mar-09 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
So, Sunni/Shia attacks have nothing to do with the brand of Islamicism being promulgated?
And the Taleban do not have a militant Islamicist agenda at all? "Bugger all to do with militant Islam" is the quote from our resident ISS pundit.
Well, we learn something new every day!

Watching this man consistently make a complete arse of himself really is the modern equivalent of the 'penny visit' - join the queue and watch through the bars as the mighty Teribus argues that the world is flat and the sun goes round the earth, pounding his keyboard all the more frantically as he gradually loses the plot and lapses into foul-mouthed incoherence.

So, another stick through the bars; what do you make of this list of terrorist attacks, this time for February? More than there were in January (oops, sorry - terrorism is on the wane and they're all hiding in caves, aren't they?), but I await your usual forensic excellence with bated breath.
The numbers, by the way, mean the same as in the previous post. They are human lives wrecked. A significant majority of the attacks can be linked to militant Islamicist action, but the dancing monkey will, of course, prove otherwise…

February 1        3        40        Zhumadian, Henan Province An explosive device detonated outside a hospital in Zhumdian in Henan Province killing 3 people and injuring 40 others according to the Hong Kong Centre and police report four dead and two injured. It is believed someone unhappy with the hospital might be behind the explosion.
February 1        1        3        Kabul Insurgents attacked a Nato convoy in Kabul with a suicide bomber resulting in the injuring of two Afghan civilians and a French soldier and the death of the insurgent attacker.
February 2        22        8        Tirin Kot, Uruzgan province A suicide bomber in a police uniform in the Southern Afghan province detonated an explosive belt killing himself and 21 other Afghan police recruits and injured 8 others.[30]
February 3        4        24        Colombo Rebels detonated a bomb on a bus carrying Sri Lankan soldiers in the capital of Colombo killing four people and injuring twenty-four others as the military continues it's offensive in northern Sri Lanka against Tamil rebels.
February 4        1        4        Baghdad A bombing occurred in Western Baghdad killing the son of a Iraqi Sunni Awakening Council member and injuring four other people.
February 4        0        1        West Memphis, Arkansas Trent P. Pierce Chairman of the Arkansas State Medical Board was critically injured in a car bombing that occurred in his drive way. There are reports that he received serious injuries to his abdomen and face, but no internal trauma was reported. No one else was wounded in the blast.
February 5        15        15        Khaniqin, Diyala Province A bombing occurred in a restaurant killing fifteen people and injuring fifteen others in Diyala province bordering the Kurdish Autonomous Zone.
February 8        2        11        Baghdad A roadside bomb exploded targeting Shiite pilgrims in northern Baghdad killing two and injuring at least eleven others.
February 8        1        14        Baghdad An IED exploded in eastern Baghdad after the bombing targeting Shiite pilgrims killing one civilians and injuring fourteen other people.
February 8        0        0        Bethlehem, West Bank Palestinians tossed flaming Molotov cocktails at an Israeli bus in the West Bank city of Bethlehem. Minor damage was reported but no injuries were reported in the incident.
February 9        30        90        Vishvamadu A female suicide bomber from the LTTE Black Tigers detonated her explosives in a crowd of soldiers and fleeing refugees in northern Sri Lanka as an attempt to cow people into not leaving rebel-held areas of Sri Lanka. Twenty-eight people including eight civilians were reportedly killed and at least ninety others wounded.
February 9        0        0        Madrid A van exploded near the offices of construction company Ferrovial and the blast is being blamed on ETA rebels in the Basque Country after two political parties connected to ETA were banned from upcoming regional elections. No one was hurt or killed in the blast.
February 9        6        3        Mosul A suicide attacker detonated his explosives by a police check-point killing four American soldiers, their Iraqi translator and injuring two police officers and one civilian.
February 11        16        43        Baghdad Two suicide car bombers detonated explosives in SW Baghdad in car lots killing at least 16 people and injuring 43 others.
February 11        28        57        Kabul Twenty people were killed along with eight Taliban attackers in Kabul as the insurgents targeted a prison and the nearby Interior ministry. Afghan forces and plain-clothed CIA operatives were able to get control of the situation.
February 11        11        15        Mogadishu A suicide bombing killed 11 and wounded 15 African Union peacekeepers. Al-Shabaab militia claimed responsibility for the attack.
February 12        4        3        Mosul A car bomb killed four people and injured three in Mosul, Northern Iraq.
February 12        3        1        Pattani Province A roadside bomb exploded in Pattani province targeting a police car after it had just completed escorting educators to a school in the insurgent hit south. Three policemen died and a fourth was critically injured.
February 13        7        1        Foum Al-Metleg A bomb targeting a civilian mini-van detonated killing all four occupants including a child and a second blast detonated when rescue workers arrived killing two police officers and one firefighter. One other police officer was seriously wounded.
February 13        35        65        Karbala A female suicide bomber attacked a procession of Shia pilgrims — many of them women and children — south of Baghdad on Friday, killing 35 people and injuring 65 others, officials said. It was the third straight day of deadly bombings against Shia pilgrims.
February 13        0        3        Baghdad An insurgent in eastern Baghdad tossed a grenade at Iraqi forces injuring three police officers in the blast.
February 14        0        5        Kandahar City An improvised explosive device or (IED) hit a Canadian military convoy in Afghanistan in Kandahar City leaving four Canadian soldiers and one Afghan interpreter injured. Canadian forces exchanged gunfire with insurgents after the explosion.
February 14        1        13        Puliyankulam LTTE rebels tossed a hand grenade into a bus packed with refugees in Northern Sri Lanka killing one civilian and injuring 13 other people.
February 15        0        5        Maitum An improvised explosive device detonated in front of a government building housing a gymnasium injuring five people.
February 15        0        0        Victorville, California An improvised explosive device went off inside a federal prison in California during a search Saturday, according to federal authorities. No one was injured, the authorities told CNN. The incident happened in the recreation area of the Victorville Federal Penitentiary. Bureau of Prisons spokesperson Traci Billingsley said the device was found by a staff member during a "routine search of inmate property". She said it "detonated upon discovery."
February 18        0        0        Athens Two gunmen fired 13 shots into a private T.V studio's compound and tossed in an explosive device before fleeing on two sport motorcycles. No one was hurt or killed in the incident and the bomb failed to explode.
February 18        0        0        Zahedan One male attempted to detonated an explosive device inside a mosque in the central city of Zahedan. However he was refused entrance and he headed to a nearby kitchen and placed the explosives down where it detonated. Minor damage was reported but no casualties.
February 19        4        2        Balad Ruz Four Iraqi soldiers were killed and two were injured when a roadside bomb exploded in the restive province of Diyala on Thursday, a senior police officer told AFP. The attack took place in Balad Ruz, a town 70 kilometers (44 miles) northeast of Baghdad, said the officer, who asked not to be named.
February 20        27        65        Dera Ismail Khan A bombing occurred at a Shiite funeral possession that left 27 people and injured at least 65 other people.
February 20        3        2        Baghdad A woman and two children were killed in one explosion and two police officers were wounded in a secondary explosion targeting emergency services.
February 21        0        5        Maalot Two rockets were fired from the southern Lebanese city of Tyre injuring three Israeli citizens in Maalot and causing two others to suffer shock.
February 22        0        0        Barakaldo A bomb detonated in Basque Country. No injuries were reported.
February 22        1        22        Cairo A bomb detonated in medieval Cairo killing a French woman and injuring a number of western tourists and Egyptians.[60]
February 22        13        15        Mogadishu Two Al Shabeeb militants in a car detonated a bomb in an AU base, killing eleven peacekeepers from Burundi and injuring fifteen others.
February 23        0        0        Lazkao A rucksack packed with around 10kg worth of explosives explodes outside the Basque Socialist Party headquarters in the town after a warning call from ETA. The blast took place at 3:00 am, causing major damage to the local but no injuries were reported.
February 24        0        0        Vitoria A bomb explodes in front of a PNV headquarters in Vitoria causing minimal damage and no injuries.
February 25        2        8        Kandahar City A motorcycle bomb exploded killing two civilians and injuring eight other people including five ANA soldiers.
February 27        0        0        Thoubal district Unknown militants threw bombs into a congressional office resulting in one bomb exploding resulting in significant damage but no injuries or deaths.
February 28        4        6        Baghdad A bomb in Sunni western Baghdad left four people including a police officer dead and another six wounded.

As an absolute aside, what is interesting about the two months' stats is how active ETA and the Basque separatists remain, and how under-reported this is in the English-language media.