The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119029   Message #2589873
Posted By: Banjiman
16-Mar-09 - 04:57 AM
Thread Name: Singers - still get in free - 2009
Subject: RE: Singers - still get in free - 2009
Come on Ian, the whole point of this thread was to knock Guest clubs who think that all audience members (including those that do floor spots) should pay.

I think it makes for an interesting debate.... but come on, be honest about your motives here!

There is an element of people who have contributed to this thread who have found that the Guest club system has not met their needs.... i.e. they haven't for whatever reason managed to get on the guest circuit (when from their postings it looks like they wanted too!) who have therefore decided these clubs are a BAD thing..... and they are going to let us all know this!

I don't see anyone on the Guest Club side of the debate saying that singarounds shouldn't happen (and most confess to enjoying them) ..... whereas there do seem to be a number of people who have huge hang ups about pay clubs and try and tar them with a "corporate" brush. I think you'll find they are pretty much all cottage industries actually!

Why the attempt to undermine this part of the folk movement?