The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4732   Message #25905
Posted By: Art Thieme
16-Apr-98 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: Objectionable Material
Subject: RE: Objectionable Material
What it comes down to is this: SOME PEOPLE HAVE TACT; OTHERS TELL THE TRUTH!

Art Thieme


Now for the comment I've tried to send 3 times the TEN TIMES FASTER thread: We'll see if I can send it here!

I've been trying to get into the forum for hours and I keep getting "Can't connect to server/time out" thing. Usually I need to disconnect and wait several HOURS or just go somewhere else before I MIGHT be able to get in. MIGHT NOT THOUGH!

Sorry Max! Don't mean to be a killjoy, but to me it aint faster--not at all! Art