The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119402   Message #2590591
Posted By: Big Mick
16-Mar-09 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
Subject: RE: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
Hey Doug..... aren't you and your boys in the capitalist system from the "just do the right thing" school? Aren't you one of those, "take out the reg's, the companies will police themselves" kind of guys? Aren't you from the "it doesn't matter if someone is watching, good Christian defenders of red, white, and blue branded Americanism" that would always be honorable?

If you had spoken out against this outright greedy theft, you might have gone some ways down the road of re-earning the respect of the loyal opposition. But you show yourself to be a right wing idealogue who isn't interested in what's right for the country, or what the right thing to do is, but only in being right yourself. Your response was nothing more than alibi'ing these bastards, looking for a reason to not say you were wrong.

There is but one reaction that is proper in this mess, Doug. And that is to be disgusted at these arrogant bastards that are stealing your, and your grandchildren's, whole future. How's your investments doing?


Shaking his head..........