The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119402   Message #2590669
Posted By: Slag
16-Mar-09 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
Subject: RE: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
Well, come on now boys....and girls.... Let's be fair. As in every walk of life there are good guys and bad guys. Guys who work in the system and trying to do right and then there are guys who work the system, taking every thing they can and hedging their bets with OPM. How do we tell the good guys from the bad? The good guys are making a good living. Some are slowly getting rich. The bad guys??? well they are the ones FILTHY rich...getting rich quick...selling short.... speculating and manipulating the markets. Getting win, lose, or draw BONUSES which guarantee their take ahead of the honest investors. they are lobbying and bribing government officials and YOUR representatives to make the TAXPPAYER the fall guy when it all goes south. That's the ones.

Well, what are we gonna do??? (he asks). Piss and moan? Whine a little? Or demand justice? Are we going to take it or be taken? If you know how to write, NOW is the time to write YOUR representatives and let them know that you demand action be taken against these crooks (makes Nixon look like a piker...Hell, it makes Agnew look like a piker!). The Supreme court MUST intervene and declare these bonus contracts ILLEGAL as they are subterfuge and against stockholders interests, corporate interests, against fair and free market interests and against the TAXPAYERS interest. These guys are actually ROBBING the TREASURY of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. I can't believe this is going on!!!!

Change we can believe in?? Loose change, because if Mr. Obama or the US supreme Court does not act, that's all you are liable to wind up with...loose change, and precious little of that.