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Thread #117126   Message #2590886
Posted By: beardedbruce
17-Mar-09 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...

"We were told that Saddam had MDWs..."

NO. We were told that Saddam was NOT complying with the previous UNR, was believed ( by most of the world) to have prohibited WMD programs still, and had NOT accounted for the material he was previously supposed to have destroyed, and IF he continued his WMD programs ( already known from 1998 and prior) it would be a danger- thus he should comply)

"Then Powell pushed Bush to go to the UN..."

Just as he should have. secretary of DEFENSE- what do you think the word means, if not to protect from likely harm?????

"Then the UN got approval from Saddam to come look for them..."

WRONG. Then the UN passed UNR 1441, giving Saddam a "last and FINAL chance" to comply with the UNR, and avoid serious action.

"So UN inspectors were sent to Iarq..."

NO. FIRST, Iraq submitted a report that was NOT in compliance with UNR1441.
Then, AFTER the US started to prepare for military action, Saddam allowed the inspectors in, BUT DID NOT PROVIDE THE REQUIRED cooperation AND PROOFS ( That Iraq was to supply, NOT that the UNR was supposed to hunt for)

"Time would have proved there were no WMDs..."

Wrong again. Lack of evidence IS NOT evidence of lack.

Reports by the AF and Army general on the Northern Iraq fron were of numeroud trucks carrying unknow material from the Iraqi military storage ( where the previous UN teams had noted WMD materials) to the Syrian border prior to the invasion of Iraq ( see the book they wrote)

"Bush wanted war so he pulled the plug on the process and called up the invasion anyway..."

Bush delayed too long, and did not prevent the WMD materials from getting out.

And you ignore the encouragement by some nations and the "anti-war" protestors who gave Saddam reason to believe he could continue his non-compliance with the UNR without any impact.

THOSE are the ones responsible for any dead or wounded. Had Saddam taken the UNR seriously, and either complied outright originally, or thrown open his borders without the threat of military force, there would have been no war.