The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2591183
Posted By: Teribus
17-Mar-09 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
1.        "Teribus, stick to what has being said,"

I only wish you would Gervase

2.        "Where did I say that more troops in Afghanistan would have made a difference?"

Where have I stated that you did? If you think it was in point 3 of a previous post of mind:

"Pure supposition of course but sending more troops into Afghanistan would have accomplished what exactly."

Your comprehension of the English language is even poorer than you have demonstrated to date.

3.        "And at no point did I say you didn't consider PIRA attacks to be terrorism."

Then why introduce the subject. Remember your opening plea here to stick with what is being said. You were listing supposed examples of militant Islam, I merely pointed out that in most of those cases there were other factors that provided far more likely reasons for terrorist violence. This imperative that you insist that everything must be seen as being "black" or "white" is childish and ludicrous, not surprising considering your puerile ad hominem attacks.

4.        "To remind you of the headline: 'Iraq war wasn't justified, U.N. weapons experts say'"

And the date of that article TIA provided the link for was?? 16th December 2003 and the Invasion was?? 20th March 2003. Have you got anything from the good Doctor Blix prior to 20th March 2003 where he categorically states that:

•        Iraq has completely disarmed
•        All WMD have been destroyed
•        All WMD precursor chemicals and materials have been destroyed
•        All research and development programmes on WMD and WMD delivery systems have been shut down and all material relating to that work destroyed.

It's a tremendous indication of your naïveté if you actually believe and act on what you read in the newspapers.

5.        "And what sort of crass, moronic, craven, lily-livered, scum-sucking troll bait is that?
Get back to jerking off over Soldier of Fortune or whatever it is that you use for erectile dysfunction, you feeble-minded cretin."

You seem to be fixated on masturbation Gervase – Do you do a lot of it? On Mastermind would that be your specialist subject?? You really should get out more and meet a few people.

6.        "Even your mate Teribus acknowledges that the war was planned long before 9/11. That much is common knowledge."

Oh quite right Gervase, I believe that the Pentagon has got extremely detailed plans for a great number of wars, most dating back to 1945, but some pre-dating even that, and they all are being continually updated and revised as conditions change. Iceland; Ireland; UK the US Government has got invasion plans for all of those and more, and they all predate 9/11. I think I can remember asking you what you thought the word "contingency" meant if placed in front of the word "plan". Like most questions you are asked you never did get back to me.

7.        "You want facts? What about the UN inspectors saying the invasion was unjustified? Or is someone making that up?"

Ah yes facts, such as the fact that the UN inspectors stated that the war was, in their opinion, unjustified armed with 20 x 20 hindsight nine months after the event. You know I could have told that guy Napoleon that it would all end in tears – that make me some sort of bloody expert Gervase, you Prat.