The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119402   Message #2591992
Posted By: Donuel
18-Mar-09 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
Subject: RE: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
When ceo Liddy tries to explain he always adds "given market conditions...or... We have an exit plan to pay back the USA although even those plans are subject to extremely volitile markets.

Listen to Liddy say that only certain people can UNWIND some of these books. (by the way AIG has between 18 to 24 "books" as explaind by CEO Liddy).

Unwind, what does it mean. It means you get a guy who will meet with the head or board of a bank or firm who expects to get a pay out with money AIG doesn;t have. THe AIG guy asks "What will it take to get you to forget about this debt or take less than half owed?"

Will it take an Italian Villa on the shores of Corsico? For everyone on the board? A personal Swill, I mean Swiss bank account that no one will ever know about?

When he gets a nibble then all they are talking about is how much.

--------Now you see why it takes a special James Bond kind of guy to do these kinds of "unwinding" procedures.