The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113628   Message #2592337
Posted By: Ebbie
19-Mar-09 - 02:23 AM
Thread Name: Folk Dreams
Subject: RE: Folk Dreams
Sleepy Rosie, your death-of-the-sun dream reminds me of a disturbing dream I had a few months ago.

The sun was gone- gone forever - and no one knew why, but we knew there was no hope of change.

The produce of the field were all withered and sere; we gathered them in baskets and just stared at them. There was nothing to eat.

The earth was all sepia colored and it was almost night.

There was music but I no longer remember why or who produced it. I know I was involved because I requested a certain song, which I also no longer remember.

I woke up with a feeling of foreboding, as though I was going to get a phone call of some calamity. Never did, though.