The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119402   Message #2592338
Posted By: Ebbie
19-Mar-09 - 02:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
Subject: RE: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
"Obama said today "don't blame democrats or republicans, blame me."" Donuel

As you know, Obama did not say that. He said: "Washington is all in a tizzy and everybody is pointing fingers at each other and saying it's their fault, the Democrats' fault, the Republicans' fault," he said at a town hall meeting Wednesday. "Listen, I'll take responsibility. I'm the President."

"He also make clear that it isn't really his fault. "We didn't grant these contracts," he said.

"But he added: "So for everybody in Washington who's busy scrambling, trying to figure out how to blame somebody else, just go ahead and talk to me, because it's my job to make sure that we fix these messes, even if I don't make them."