The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119402   Message #2593108
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
20-Mar-09 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
Subject: RE: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
Sounds like Geithner's head is on the chopping block(good!)...He and Dodd, and Frank should be out of a job, and in prison!...and that's just for starters on the list!!!..Others should be removed from office! ..and all the ballyhoo about $100 million or so, as I posted before, is just a smokescreen to hide the BILLIONS laundered overseas. Pelosi ran California absolutely bankrupt, and now the crazy bat is doing it to the nation. Bush, and the rest, just handed off this corrupt ball, to the rest of the corrupt pieces of shit, who are lying through their teeth..and getting caught...though, I'm sure, that doesn't even phase the pom-pom bearers!...Kumbayah!!