The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2593539
Posted By: Bobert
20-Mar-09 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
I haven't lied at all, T...

You, on the other hand, refuse to allow your mind to open to the realities of the last 7 years... At the top of that list is your worship of a danged UN resoluton that was adopted by the UN as the only way to perhaps stop Bush's all-ready made-up-mind to invade Iarq...

You don't want to accept that part of the story because it does not dovetail into your mythology... That is thew way it occured... That si the way historians will describe UN Resolution 1441... If me observing that part of history the way that most historians will write it does not make me some enemy of the truth... It makes you delusional...

Now when we take 1441 and put it in proper perspective then the story changes bacdk around toward something that best resemebles what actually occured and ot what you wished had occured...

You also never happen to address the fact that former Secretary of the Treasury O'Neil stated in his book that Bush made up his mind on attacking Iraq from the very beginning and well before 9/11... This is also a very telling part of the story that you rfuse to allow into your narrative... This is fact... It is a very important fact but seeing as it does not dovetail into your mythology then you just ignore it... That, my freind, is delusional...

Then Blix comes to the UN and tells the UN Security Council that the Iraqis are cooperating fully with the inspectors and at first you challenge me to provide a source that Blix actaully did that and then once I provide the source you ignore the remifications of such a report on Bush's allready-made decsion to invade Iraq... The reson that you poopoo Blix's report is because, again, it does not dovetail into your mythological story... That, T, is delusional...

I mean, these are all factual and when taken seperately or collectively trash your mythogy... Yet you and yer wramonging buddies have tried to make me out to be some kind of liar???

Get real, T... Wake up... Get medical treatment... Get whatever you need to get you jump started toward a life where reality is reality and mythology ain't reality... We've had 7 years of yer bogus arguments and they have been tarshed over and over as reality sets in...

Give the heck up, my friend...
